Ok. To
start with, in a few days, there will be a follow up tutorial article on how to
play Malifaux, as promised a long time
ago. But like the two previous articles, it will be in French only (after all,
you English-sppeakers have far better wargaming bloggers than I. GMChaotica
being one of them...).
A lot of work (IRL and on minis (if you come here on a regular basis, you will
have no doubt noticed the box on the right-hand top corner in which I'm listing
the Work in Progress...)) has compelled me to choose between painting and
playing on the one hand, and writing on the other. Hence, I gave no signal
since the last article on Salute (Pffff... My mind's still roaming the aisles
of the event...). You might have noticed as well the complete disapearance of
Battle Reports on this blog. The reason being the same : writing a
"real" battle report takes time and some careful note taking during
the game (which i chose not to do, I was too busy having fun...). so the
bat-reps are gone on a Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/Darkvernoninmalifaux/?fref=ts
) specifically dedicated to Malifaux (since that's about the only game I play
at the moment!). When you're there, take some time to take a good look at a new
îece of terrain for my "Wild West" table board : the Hacienda (from
Sarissa Precision), here "in action" in the game which was the
conclusion to our Malifaux campaign (I'll probably write an article this summer
to tell you what I think about the campaign system delivered by Wyrd Games!) :
![]() |
The Ortegas are defending their Hacienda. |
I'll be
back soon with the news (games and painting), I promise. The Summer holidays
are upon me, and I plan on enjoying them to the full...
Before the
next article, here goes a little photo session with the result of a
"semi-commission" : Graziella, from the Briskar range, from the
French brand TGCM.
My mother is a huge fan of a French comic called "De Capes et de Crocs" (Of Cloak and Fangs. It's a furry-style comic with animals as main characters, in a setting close to the French 16th Century. I don't know if there is an English translation, but if you find the opportunity to read it, it's just brilliant! There are quotes from the biggest literary playwrights : Molière, Racine, Corneille, Jean Rostand, with adventure, humour and action. Wrapped up with the cuttest bunny swashbucler who ever existed...) and she also collects pig figures. Since I had had my eyes on the said Briskars range for a little while, and since there was an official stand on the Octogônes Convention in Lyon in October 2015, I thought to myself that the "Graziella" mini would make a perfect Christmas gift... Well... I couldn't finish it on time to give her the present on time, but here it is done and it's waiting to get on my mum's shelves...
My mother is a huge fan of a French comic called "De Capes et de Crocs" (Of Cloak and Fangs. It's a furry-style comic with animals as main characters, in a setting close to the French 16th Century. I don't know if there is an English translation, but if you find the opportunity to read it, it's just brilliant! There are quotes from the biggest literary playwrights : Molière, Racine, Corneille, Jean Rostand, with adventure, humour and action. Wrapped up with the cuttest bunny swashbucler who ever existed...) and she also collects pig figures. Since I had had my eyes on the said Briskars range for a little while, and since there was an official stand on the Octogônes Convention in Lyon in October 2015, I thought to myself that the "Graziella" mini would make a perfect Christmas gift... Well... I couldn't finish it on time to give her the present on time, but here it is done and it's waiting to get on my mum's shelves...
I must say
I was a bit dissapointed by the mini's material. It's a rather hard resin which
to break easily, and I had some difficulties working on it (and this is one of
my weakest points... Cleaning and assembling... Some ugly mold lines were
forgotten...). I also should have clean it with soap water more thouroughly :
the paint didn't stick well in some places...
At the end
of the day, I'm relatively satisfied with the results, even though I don't like
the colours, nor the highlightings, nor the use of light... This can be
explained by the fact that I stumbled somehow on the technics, and to getting
bored. I really wanted to have fun on that figure, but nothing came. After some
time, the scale (54mm) and the subject bored me and I tended to rush the
paintjob to move on to something else...
The good
thing is : I still have a lot of work to move on to another scale and
"exhibition miniatures". And i'll need -- if I want to persist in
painting 54mm exhibition minis -- to find some really fun subjects...
publish some new pictures for some new games (as far as I am concerned...). I
missed Sci-Fi, and delved into Infinity, with the Operation IceStorm box set.
The minis are bieng painted (I've only painted the three Nomad Alguacilles so
far... And I'm painting the PanOceania at the same time for a new
game-mate...). And of course, there's Devil's Run : Route 666, which I told you
about in my little article on Salute 2016. As far as this is is concerned, I'm
preparing a huge article, with an "Open the box", a step-by-step
painting description of the box content AND a battle-report for my first game
and what I think about the gameplay...
And since I was spoiled fro my birthday, I might slip in some pictures of our next Horror in Arkham game!
And since I was spoiled fro my birthday, I might slip in some pictures of our next Horror in Arkham game!
One last
thing! Maybe you noticed that the quality of the pictures got better from this
article on... This is because my dear beloved took back over the picture-taking
part. She bought herself a new camera and is practising a lot. So this is why
the pictures kick more ass than before!!!
Well! See you soon!!!
Well! See you soon!!!
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